HOW can I Develop Resiliency - Social Support
In Part Two of our Resiliency Series, we examine HOW to develop resiliency, with a focus on Social Support.
Some people are naturally more resilient than others, but that doesn’t mean you can’t develop it. One of the important aspects of resiliency is the presence of a social network. Even though resilience might seem like an individual characteristic, humans are social creatures and no truly resilient person is a solitary one. We rely on each other for strength and encouragement, for support when times are tough. It’s sometimes hard to rely on other people for support because it makes us feel vulnerable, but trusting each other is a necessary part of life, and a valuable skill to have.
When thinking back to Australia's recent bushfires, think of how many people over the world banded together to lend support to those affected. Being resilient doesn’t mean you have to do everything by yourself, it’s okay to ask for and accept help. Communication is very important as we need to accurately be able to express our needs in tough times to both ourselves and others.
No matter what the experience is, it’s always made better when it is shared with another person. Think of that gorgeous sunset you saw the other day or the movie you went to see with a friend. Wasn’t the experience made better because you had someone to share it with? Likewise, think of the time you were overwhelmed and struggling with assignments, didn’t having friends going through the same thing make it better and less stressful? Sharing experiences helps us appreciate them more and lets us know we aren’t alone, which is the biggest support of them all.
If you would like some extra support, here is a link to the contact numbers for a variety of support services across Australia, specific to your state: