5 ideas to help you cope with poor exam results


We hope that you do not have to read this; that you have done better than you hoped in your exams and you are feeling pretty satisfied with yourself!


But, if you haven’t done as well as you had hoped, then you might be feeling pretty down. Especially if you have been working hard. Perhaps you prepared the wrong stuff, perhaps you didn’t do enough practice exams, or perhaps you didn’t feel well on the day of the exam. Whatever the reason, getting a low result hurts - just the same. 


So, if you’re not feeling great right about now, then read on for 5 ideas to help you cope with poor exam results


5 ways to help you cope with poor exam results.


  1. Focus on the bigger picture: We know it sounds cliché but there is more to life than this exam result. Imagine the future, think about what you want to do when you are not at school and consider what life might be like in 5 years time. Where do you see yourself? Yes, your exam results are important but they do not define you. Remind yourself of other aspects of your life that are important to you. Think friends, family, food, music, travel, sport…etc.  

  2. Open your mind to changes: Analyse where you went wrong in the exam or in your preparation for the exam and attempt to learn from your mistakes. It is also helpful to remember there are more opportunities to do better this year.

  3. Give yourself time to recover: You had a disappointment so it’s important to allow yourself to feel down so that you can work through the emotion and become happy again. Remember that this period of particular anxiety and pressure will pass. During the recovering period make sure you get some fresh air, work up a sweat and do other activities that release endorphins (the happy hormone) in your brain.

  4. Tell someone about it: To help you move past the disappointment you need to find someone (teacher, parent, sibling, friend, relative, counsellor) you trust to talk to. Tell them your fears. Tell them you’re frustrated. Tell them whatever you are feeling. It will help you cope. If you don’t think anyone you know will understand then reach out to the kid’s helpline.   

  5. Get over comparison: Avoid comparing your marks with others. You need to try to accept your skill set and be proud of that.


Take the time to work through these suggestions and you should start to move on and feel better. 


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