Revision & assessments made easy
ReviseOnline will improve your students' exam results - we've got no doubt about it – but it's not just the students that benefit. Using our unparalleled library of material combined with our groundbreaking Teacher Portal, you get the best of both worlds. Save your precious time, and target it better than ever before, with ReviseOnline.
Get your students ready for tests and exams in the most effective way - practice! Help them get comfortable in exam conditions, improve recall, practice ATAR-exam-style questions and track how they perform, all in one place.
Understand your class' usage patterns to set revision schedules, increase accountability and share feedback with parents for maximum effectiveness.
Tackle misunderstandings before it's too late using the teacher-student communication, where they can ask questions and you can provide feedback on their exam answers
Instantly track individual and class performance to identify areas of weakness and students falling behind, so you can best target your teaching.
Over our history helping teachers and students to access the best revision material, we've heard time and time again that ReviseOnline genuinely improves marks. That's why we exist.
ReviseOnline's revolutionary testing portal will take everything you love about us and apply it to your school's formal testing. One day, we'll replace paper tests altogether - but for now, we're excited to help your students make it through this crazy time.