- Quality questions
- Perfect answers
- Exam conditions
- Revise anywhere
- Exam builder
- Get some help
- Class analytics
Our ATAR-exam-style questions are developed by subject specialists in each state, with years of ATAR exam writing & marking experience. With a library of thousands, you’ll never see the same question twice.
See how your answer compares with the best with our fully worked marking keys. Learn how teachers allocate marks and get insight into the best possible responses.
With timed assessments, exam-style instructions and marks structured like ATAR exams, practice with ReviseOnline will get you used to exams long before you sit one.
ReviseOnline works across all of your devices so it goes wherever you go!
Need to prepare for a mid year exam, or revise a few key areas? Our unique exam builder allows you to create an exam on just the topics you select.
With our Student-Teacher flagging system you can get feedback on any question - without having to stick up your hand in class. Your teacher will be alerted that you've flagged a question and you can work it out together, all from within our portal.
Every mark builds personalised analytics, showing your performance by the topics in your course. Use these insights to study more effectively by honing in on where you can most improve.

Thousands of combinations of tests and exams

Multiple choice answers marked for you

Monitors your progress

Sets a time for each test and exam you start

Rockhampton Grammar School

St Joseph's College

Ryan Catholic College

The Cathedral School

Southern Cross Catholic College

Sunshine Beach SHS

Kingaroy SHS

Pacific Pines SHS
For Teachers
ReviseOnline was created for teachers, by teachers. Get in touch with us, and we’ll show you how ReviseOnline can integrate into your plans, saving you time and maximising your effectiveness.